Tag Archives: Linux

ASP.NET 5 RC1 On Linux – Part II – Installation

Using the instructions from docs.asp.net, for Ubuntu we essentially run:

login to ubuntu
fire up terminal (Ctrl-Alt-T)

run the following commands:

sudo apt-get install unzip curl

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aspnet/Home/dev/dnvminstall.sh | DNX_BRANCH=dev sh && source ~/.dnx/dnvm/dnvm.sh

sudo apt-get install libunwind8 gettext libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g libicu-dev uuid-dev

dnvm upgrade -r coreclr

sudo apt-get install make automake libtool curl
curl -sSL https://github.com/libuv/libuv/archive/v1.4.2.tar.gz | sudo tar zxfv - -C /usr/local/src
cd /usr/local/src/libuv-1.4.2
sudo sh autogen.sh
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/src/libuv-1.4.2 && cd ~/
sudo ldconfig

Happily, this all ran without a hitch.

References: http://docs.asp.net/en/latest/getting-started/installing-on-linux.html#installing-on-debian-ubuntu-and-derivatives

ASP.NET 5 RC1 On Linux

Since the ASP.NET 5 Release Candidate 1 was released in late November, I’ve decided its time to give it a whirl, and to get around to doing some blogging.

Testing it out on Windows 10 would be the easiest course of action I suppose, but I’ve decided to give it a try on Linux, specifically the Ubuntu distro, as the big story with the new ASP.NET is the cross-platform capabilities.

For testing I created a second generation VM in HyperV, allocated the machine 8GB of RAM (dynamic), and set the max size on the virtual drive to be 64GB, and allocated two virtual processors.  This should be more than enough for a  test drive.

I then downloaded Ubuntu 14.04.3 Desktop LTS, and installed, essentially with the defaults.   Also, secure boot needed to be disabled to install Ubuntu on the second generation VM.

Next post, setting up ASP.NET 5 RC 1.